
What is the Natural Heritage System?

The Natural Heritage System (NHS) is the network of Brampton's natural features and areas, including woodlands, valleys, wetlands, lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, and meadows. The NHS provides benefits and vital services to the City and its residents, such as cleaning our air and water, maintaining biodiversity, reducing flooding, providing recreational opportunities, and absorbing and storing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Brampton's NHS is widely accessible through trails and parks where residents can enjoy the physical and mental health benefits of connecting with nature.​

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Natural Heritage System Areas


The City of Brampton is re-establishing pollinator habitat through pollinator gardens, parks and other open spaces across the city.


Protecting and enhancing the ravine system is necessary to ensure that Brampton is a resilient, healthy and environmentally sustainable city.

Urban Forests

The City of Brampton is currently identifying priority tree planting areas across the city to protect, maintain and enhance the urban forest.


The City developed a Natural Heritage Restoration Program that prioritizes areas for naturalization.


Woodlands are special places within Brampton’s urban forest that provide homes for animals, reduce flooding, and clean and cool the air.


The City of Brampton monitors where beavers build their dams to protect properties from flooding and prevent damage to high value trees.


Protecting and preserving these native fish populations is essential for maintaining the ecological integrity and biodiversity of Brampton's natural heritage.